City of Marion
The City of Marion is a large metropolitan council with a population of over 96,000 residents spread across urban, hillside and coastal wards.
They have been using Teamgage for many years to improve and track their employees’ engagement. This strategic goal was part of their CEO’s KPIs, so keeping a high-level of team engagement and improving the employee experience were key measures for success.
With the launch of new modules in the Teamgage platform, the City of Marion were quick to unlock even greater value with an increase of 86% in teams discussing feedback, plus an increase of 37% in employee feedback response rates!
Let's take a look at how they achieved this using Teamgage Surveys alongside Teamgage Huddle.
The power of team engagement
Teamgage Huddle is the cornerstone of our team engagement platform. It’s where employees provide monthly insights and huddle with their team manager to improve the team results.
“Teamgage Huddle is not just an employee feedback tool or a “People and Culture” thing. It’s part of giving team managers the tools to help them run their areas and improve their team’s experience in the workplace”, said Jo McCarthy, Unit Manager Organisational Development at City of Marion.

City of Marion identified questions relating to role clarity, resources to deliver work, leadership support and trust among team members as the key measures for promoting strategic alignment within the organisation. These topics were all suitable for regular discussion and ideas for improvement were actionable at team level.

Teamgage Huddle is super easy to use and quick to fill out, so employees are happy to take part and generate improvement from the ground up.
“It takes 30 seconds to complete, so people are engaging!” said Jo.
Introducing Teamgage Surveys
With the introduction of the Teamgage Surveys module, the platform became even more powerful.
City of Marion have adopted this module to run their traditional quarterly employee engagement survey. This allows senior leaders to craft their own surveys to go in depth on all aspects of employee engagement and work on improvement from the top-down.

“Now we also have a real measure of our employee engagement. We can identify areas that have opportunities for improvement and focus on solving them within the organisation. We can now see what it is that we need to focus on to help improve the employee experience, and work with team managers to make progress”, mentioned Claire Bircumshaw, Change Manager at City of Marion.
Building high-performing teams
Since using Teamgage Huddle alongside Teamgage Surveys, City of Marion have seen more team conversations happening in the workplace. They had an increase of 86% in huddles held by teams, plus an increase of 37% in employee feedback response rates.

“We want to build modern leadership skills, and we can only achieve that if we work with our people and give them tools to succeed. Teamgage Huddle creates that sense of partnership and shared responsibility between People and Culture and other team leaders. It also promotes ongoing conversations in the workplace”, mentioned Jo.
What they say
"Teamgage is not just a “People and Culture” thing. It allows teams to really work together, share responsibilities and partner with each other."
Jo McCarthy
Unit Manager Organisational Development, City of Marion.