Projects, Change & Transformation

Projects fail because of people, not technology.

8 of the top 10 reasons projects fail relate to people and communication. That's why Teamgage gives you insights across your organisation of the people component of change, allowing you to constantly course correct as your change projects evolve and progress – all the way to a successful outcome.

Team of medical staff talking in a hospital

Stakeholder engagement and project success

Even if a change is objectively positive it can fail due to poor ownership and a feeling of disconnect from those who are experiencing the change. It’s also impossible to foresee every difficulty in implementing change from the start or from only one vantage point.

It’s therefore critical to include all stakeholders in the implementation feedback loop. This provides a level of ownership to everyone involved in the change and gives better information to decision makers on what is required to succeed.

A woman smiling during a team meeting with her team next to a Teamgage dashboard showing a range of scores.

Teamgage is designed to ensure that all stakeholders, from strategic planners to front line staff, own the change and provide insights to ensure it succeeds. Real-time continuous improvement ensures that you know what is getting in the way of success and how to course correct before things get off track.

Staying on track and removing barriers

Too many projects discover they are going to miss a deadline or miss budget too late to prevent it.

Teamgage allows you to focus on leading indicators so that you can keep on timeline by removing blockages to success before they become crisis. Everyone in your organisation has a different frame of reference, so it’s critical to be able to get insights from all of those reference points as you progress.

An example of Teamgage Comment Analysis and Timelines.

For stakeholders at every level this is a win-win: not only is the project more likely to succeed, but each person involved has a chance to shape the outcome in a way that reduces friction for them and their areas. They will often even help shape ideas that make the outcomes even better from a perspective that the strategic planners couldn’t have easily envisioned at the start.

Customer impact

For many organisations the impact of change on customers can be far more damaging than intended. Teamgage helps ensure that all stakeholders maintain focus on great customer outcomes during implementation.

Get insights into how customers are impacted and what their reactions are early and often, so you can make decisions that minimise negative impacts and give customers a great experience.

Training and awareness

Teamgage allows you to measure the awareness and preparedness of everyone involved in a project or transformation across the organisation.

A man and a woman in a modern office talking next to a Teamgage benchmarking report showing a range of team scores.

Find out what people know, what questions they have, what could be communicated better and what training is key to the project’s success. Bring your people along on the journey and ensure they have great knowledge for great outcomes.

How it works

All internal stakeholders will use the Teamgage 20-second submission experience to regularly provide insights on key metrics to the project’s success.

A man looking at his smart device outside, next to a Teamgage submission page showing a range of scores and a comment about the customer deliver process being too slow.

This can be customised to the organisation or even the specific project, but normally includes metrics around progress, blockages, communication, alignment, awareness and improvements.

That feedback is analysed by the platform to generate insights in real-time, delivered via a glance-and-go report. These insights are used by leaders at all levels across the project to implement actions that keep the project on track.

We’ve made the process so quick, easy and valuable that your people will wonder how they ever managed without it!

Diving deeper

To complement our unique core platform we also offer in-depth surveys so you can deep dive into a particular topic with Teamgage Surveys.

Teamgage Survey results showing a range of scores.

Choose from our premade library, or create your own, then get great insights.

Supported all the way

We’ve designed Teamgage to be so easy to use that you’ll be able to get great value out of the box, but we also offer world-class support to ensure you succeed. ‍

Woman with headphones looking at her laptop while viewing Teamgage Academy on-demand videos.

‍And if you want to go further you can access leader support so decision makers can maximise their performance and that of their people via the Teamgage Academy.

A woman in an office writing on a white board

Customer story

"The staff were given the opportunity to step outside of their normal roles and develop their project management skills – an aspect that many have not experienced before."

Dinabee Sander,
Manager, People, Strategy & System Services,
Department of Human Services SA

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Woman smiling in an office

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